A Tale of Two Salts

Similar though they may look, these two salts are a world of difference when it comes to heat. Hot Kiss Sriracha and Shades of Death are now available through our store, waiting to become a part of your kitchen. Trust us when we say, once you start using these salts you won’t stop thinking of new foods to put them on. The different levels of heat give you options to work with — be you in a mellow or spicy mood, we’ve got the hot salt to match.

Hot Kiss Sriracha, our original and most mellow hot salt, embraces the flavor of sriracha with a warm heat when eaten as a garnish. Some heat is lost if the salt is used while cooking, but most agree that this effect only helps diversify the dishes in which this salt can be used. If you are looking for a tasty salt with a mild impact on the tongue in terms of heat, this is your winner. It can be sprinkled on meats, vegetables, fish, sauces — really anything — while using any method of cooking and will really help bring those flavors together. It brightens vegetables, deepens the flavors of meat, and adds a slight zing to any sauce. For the highest heat impact this salt has to offer, use “raw” by sprinkling on meals after they’ve been prepared. This method is perfect for salads, sautéed vegetables, fried chicken, mac n cheese, caprese, popcorn…ok I’m getting hungry.

For the more daring, there is a salt for you as well. Shades of Death is truly a killer when eaten as a garnish. This salt loses a small amount of heat in the cooking process, but we’ve noticed it retains almost all of its heat until it hits your ton

gue. The ghost peppers in this recipe are meant to kick your meals into overdrive and leave a lingering (haunting?) heat in your mouth that will fade to warmth. Use this salt only if you really want to have a spicy meal, and it truly works with everything Hot Kiss Sriracha does.

Our Food Blog is going to be used to explore the MANY avenues this salt can be used. We’re still learning as we try the salts with different foods, and though this blog may be biased we assure you it’ll make you want to try these salts with everything you can think of. We hope you enjoy reading along as we discover new dishes and methods!

Stay Spicy