Reaper Madness is Upon Us!!

Carolina Reaper Pepper via

After much time perfecting this awesome new recipe, Hot Kiss Salt Co. is proud to announce its newest line of salts — Reaper Madness Carolina Reaper Salt. The Carolina Reaper…the hottest pepper in the WORLD, reaching soaring heat-heights of up to 2,200,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units). The Scoville scale measures the concentration of capsaicinoids in a pepper and acts as a unit of spiciness. This salt is seriously hot, people.

Here’s an illustration to show where some popular peppers lie on the scale:

Scoville scale image via

Just looking at it, you know this pepper is just mean! The stinger tail is unique and seems to be sending a warning, “do not touch”. The Carolina Reaper is a cross between a Ghost Pepper and a Red Habanero … and this pepper doesn’t just have face-melting heat, but excellent fruity flavor as well. If your tongue doesn’t fall off, that is.

So, we’ve been inspired by the fires of Hell itself, it would seem. We’ve managed to capture the heat as well as the flavor by making a sriracha sauce from these demons. Mixing in the salt and drying this mixture allows a very hot, very flavorful salt to be born. The first time we made a batch of this salt, one of our crew members actually threw up, so BEWARE!!!

This salt is perfect for those who want to really spice their meal up without adding too much salt. A little goes a long way, especially if you use the salt as a garnish instead of using during the cooking process. So, extreme heat fans, take a peek at our shop and you’ll see our new flavor is available in both 4 and 8 oz. shakers. And remember, if you touch any of our salts with your hands…BE SURE TO WASH THEM!

Stay Spicy!